Yoga contains a very varied range of teachings and in addition, each author has his way of experiencing, assimilating and expressing. Today there are many texts and information about this discipline.
Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word YUJ which means to unite, to put together. This word has two great meanings; the first is union and the second is the techniques or methods to reach this union. Yoga does not really try to unite anything, since the individual by nature is united to the universe in which he is immersed, the function of Yoga is rather to make this fact conscious. Help the individual discover his identity with the absolute being, his connection with the Universal Consciousness and experience his true deep nature.
According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (one of the first relevant scriptures describing Yoga), Yoga is a discipline, which requires control and restriction to rid ourselves of unstable mind, suffering, impurities, illusion, etc.
The second aphorism of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali summarizes very precisely the objective of Yoga: ¨Yoga is the cessation of modifications of the mind¨ , when these modifications or fluctuations of the mind disappear, control over the conscious is acquired, unconscious and the flowering of the superconscious state; where it is possible to separate the ¨atman¨ (the SELF) from the ¨no Atman¨ (the non-SELF)
The second meaning of the word Yoga refers to the different techniques to reach the integral development of the human being. These two meanings reflect the objective of Yoga the union and the method to achieve this union.
In the modern world, Yoga is often confused with physical exercises, asanas. However, it is a philosophy and asanas were described and integrated in the Yoga school later in time.
Different authors point to different dates in time when Yoga originated. Stone carvings depicting figures in Yoga positions have been found at archaeological sites in the Indus Valley dating back 5,000 years or more.
The tradition of Yoga has always been transmitted individually from Master (Guru) to student through oral teaching and practical demonstration. The formal techniques now known as Yoga are therefore based on the collective experiences of many people over many thousands of years.
One of the first texts related to Yoga was compiled by an academic named Patanjali, who wrote down the Yoga theories and practices of his time in a book called YOGA SUTRAS. He described eight steps to reach Samadhi (enlightenment).
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